If you are getting an error after using the credit card swipe tool in the kiosk, there is a utility to manage that.
1st, Install this Program on your Windows PC: https://www.magtek.com/Content/SoftwarePackages/99510026.exe
**When prompted to install source code during the installation - choose no**
Once installed, open the USBMSR application. You will be sending commands to the device using the "Send Msg" text box to the right of the "Send Msg" button. Ensure the Set focus... and Auto Add Length check boxes are checked:
Run these 2 commands:
To remove CR at end send:
Place the above in the text box and click the "Send Msg" button.
To reset the unit (so the changes take effect) you will send:
02 (erase 012200 before entering 02)
Place the above in the text box and click the "Send Msg" button.